Religious affiliation of members of 117th Congress
Religious affiliation of members of 117th Congress State District Name Party Continuing/freshman Denominational family AK At-large Don Young R Continuing Episcopalian AK Senator Dan Sullivan R Continuing Catholic AK Senator Lisa Murkowski R Continuing Catholic AL 1 Jerry Carl R Freshman Baptist AL 2 Barry Moore R Freshman Baptist
U.S. Religious Knowledge - Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life ...
major religious traditions as well as the role of religion in American history and public life. Based on an analysis of answers from more than 3,400 people to 32 religious knowledge questions, this report attempts to provide a baseline measurement of how much Americans know about religion today.
The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society
role of women. It also looks at Muslims’ views on religious extremism and religious conflict in their country. Finally, the report takes advantage of prior Pew Research surveys of Muslims in the United States to compare the views of U.S. Muslims with the views of Muslims worldwide. The global survey of Muslims was conducted in two waves.
The Changing Global Religious Landscape - Pew Research Center's ...
This report was produced by Pew Research Center as part of the Pew -Templeton Global Religious Futures project, which analyzes religious change and its impact on societies around the world. Funding for the Global Religious Futures project comes from The Pew Charitable Trusts and the John Templeton Foundation.
BY Gregory A. Smith - Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project
particular” when asked about their religious identity. Self-identified Christians of all varieties (including Protestants, Catholics, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Orthodox Christians) make up 63% of the adult population. Christians now outnumber religious “nones” by a ratio of a little more than two-to-one.
FOR RELEASE JAN. 14, 2021 - Pew Research Center's Religion & Public ...
Religious service attendance is a bit different, since in theory, at least, there is a verifiably true answer to the question of how often a person goes to a house of worship. Still, when respondents in a telephone or face-to-face survey overstate how often they go to religious services, they may not
Religious affiliation of members of 116th Congress
Religious affiliation of members of 116th Congress 2 PEW RESEARCH CENTER CA 14 Jackie ...
religious beliefs, values and connections in their day-to-day lives.3 3 In recent years, religious leaders across a wide range of faiths have urged followers to put their religious beliefs into practice through everyday behaviors such as consumer choices, environmentalism, hospitality, charity, honesty, forgiveness and healthy living. See, for
U.S.Religious Landscape Survey - Pew Research Center's Religion ...
interpret the teachings of their religion. This openness to a range of religious viewpoints is in line with the great diversity of religious affiliation, belief and practice that exists in the United States, as documented in a survey of more than 35,000 Americans that comprehensively examines the country’s religious landscape.
The remainder of this analysis examines religious affiliation and religious beliefs and practices by demographic group in 2008, the most recent year for which ISSP data are available. In 2008, Russian women were more religious than Russian men, and Russians ages 70 and older were more religious than younger age groups on some measures.