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Simplified Chinese characters - Wikipedia
Simplified Chinese characters are one of two standardized character sets widely used to write the Chinese language, with the other being traditional characters. Their mass standardization during the 20th century was part of an initiative by the People's Republic of China (PRC) to promote literacy, and their use in ordinary circumstances on the ...

1、Chinese(Simplified):简体中文. 是现代中文的一种标准化写法,与繁体中文(又称正体中文)相对。简体中文主要由传承字以及1950年代以后中华人民共和国政府开始在中国大陆地区推行的简化字所组成。 2、Chinese(Taiwan):中国台湾

简化字 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
简体中文(英語: Simplified Chinese ,網頁語言代碼:zh-Hans,或網頁國家和地區代碼:zh-CN、zh-SG及zh-MY)传统上使用GB2312、GBK或GB18030编码,作为计算机术语在计算机媒介上被广泛使用,如各种软件操作界面或文档的“简体中文版”。

Simplified vs. Traditional Chinese: How They Differ and Which You ...
Simplified vs. traditional Chinese—it's a common debate among Chinese speakers and a common question among learners. This guide covers the differences between the two, where they're used, the history of simplified and traditional Chinese and how to figure out which to learn, if you're interested.

Simplified Chinese characters (简体字) - Omniglot
About 2,000 characters have been simplified in a number of different ways. Many simplified characters are based on commonly used abbreviations, some of which have been in use in cursive forms of the Chinese script since the Qin dynasty (221-206 BC). Here are some ways in which characters have been simplified:

Simplified Chinese characters - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...
Simplified Chinese characters are one of the two commonly used forms of Chinese characters. As the name shows, these characters were made simpler than the original characters. The original characters are called traditional Chinese characters. Simplified Chinese characters are used throughout Mainland China.

Introduction to Simplified Chinese Characters | CLI
Simplified characters are the official Chinese written script of mainland China. Yet despite being invented in China, simplified characters are also used elsewhere. Children studying in Malaysia and Singapore all learn simplified Chinese characters.

More Than You Want to Know About Simplified Characters
Everyone has heard of "simplified characters," the Chinese characters used to write Chinese today, as contrasted with the "traditional characters" used in earlier periods. Beginning early in the XXth century, Chinese linguists developed schemes for the simplification of the writing system so as to promote popular literacy.

Chinese Traditional Vs Simplified: Which One Should I Learn?
For most learners, Simplified Chinese is the practical choice due to its wide usage, easier learning curve, and availability of resources. However, if you have specific goals in Taiwan, Hong Kong, or other regions where Traditional Chinese is used, learning the Traditional characters might be necessary down the line.

Simplified vs Traditional Chinese: Exploring Key Differences
Key Differences Between Simplified vs Traditional Chinese Characters. Simplified Chinese was derived from Traditional Chinese, so you might wonder how to differentiate between the two systems. The primary differences lie in: Number of Strokes. Simplified Chinese reduces the number of strokes and simplifies the structure of characters.




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